Global health literacy in focus

Strengthen research on health literacy together

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16. September 2023

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16. September 2023

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.


16. September 2023

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.


Kategorie 1

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.


Kategorie zwei

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.

The network

What it is about

Global Research

We conduct cross-national research on health literacy and related public health topics in various population groups and settings.

Global Community

We are an open and participatory network of health literacy researchers who collabroate and share closely across borders.

Global Action

Based on our research findings, we want to contribute to public health policy and practice for the benefit of people and society.

What we do

Our research



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COVID Survivor Study

Resilience after crises

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a huge burden for individuals, societies, and systems. Health and associated factors among people recovered from COVID-19 infection are important to be investigated. We therefor aim to explore the status, associations, and interactions between health literacy (HL), digital healthy diet literacy (DDL), resilience, health-related behaviors, physical and psychological health, and quality of life.

COVID-HL School Principal Survey

Leading Schools in Times of Crises

The COVID-19 pandemic had far reaching concequences for the educational system worldwide and increased challenges and work tasks of school and educational professionals. This survey focsued on school leaders, which have long been neglected in school health research.

COVID-HL University Survey

Digital Health literacy in Times of Infodemic

Given the limited evidence on health literacy of university students, the network conducted a global study between 2020 and 2022 focusing on digital health literacy and information-seeking behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our publications

Findings from the network

The results of our studies are systematically communicated to stimulate discussion at a scientific, policy and practical level.

Effects of Gender and Age Interaction on Sense of Coherence and Subjective Well-Being of Senior High School Students in Northern Ghana

University survey

Education Science


Associations between Polish school principals’ health literacy and implementation of the Health Promoting School approach during the COVID-19 pandemic

School survey



Do demographic and socio-economic factors predict Sense of Coherence among university students?

University survey

Annali dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanità



Max Mustermann



Max Mustermann


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Dignissim nunc leo ut nullam sit. Eros dui pellentesque arcu sit purus lectus urna. Bibendum amet quam ut in rhoncus adipiscing magna. Sociis auctor ut elementum bibendum enim. Nibh at montes egestas in consectetur nisl non sem.

Max Mustermann


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Dignissim nunc leo ut nullam sit. Eros dui pellentesque arcu sit purus lectus urna. Bibendum amet quam ut in rhoncus adipiscing magna. Sociis auctor ut elementum bibendum enim. Nibh at montes egestas in consectetur nisl non sem.

Max Mustermann


The health literacy movement is on the rise and it is wonderful to see how health literacy research around the world is making a difference in the way we design people-centered health and social services.

Kristine Sørensen

Founder, Global Health Literacy Academy

The GLOBHL network provides an important point of connection for researchers looking to build partnerships, access expertise and collaborate with colleagues from across the world. Health literacy researchers at all stages in their career draw benefit from the breath and depht of the network and are better connected to like-minded scholars who are committed to seeing their work have impact on public policy and frontline practice across the different sectors engaged in health communicatios.

Don Nutbeam

Professor of Public Health, University of Sydney

Working on Health Literacy is a strategic opportunity to respond to the future public health needs in terms of protecting and promoting health and preventing disease. In Portugal the focus is on turning words into action and creating ecosystems that transform science into knowledge and knowledge into behavior.

Miguel Telo de Arriaga

Head of the Division of Literacy, Health and Well-being of the Directorate-General of Health Portugal

Health literacy prevents the public from diseases, protects patients from suffering, improves the effectiveness of healthcare services, and ensures the professional satisfaction of the health care professionals.

Professor Peter Chang

Honorary president, Asian Health Literacy Association

Education and learning are at the very core of what makes ‘health for all’ possible. Improving health literacy in populations provides the foundation on which citizens are enabled to play an active role in improving their own health and that of the communities. Instituting a place-based “lifelong learning for health” culture could play a key role in building resilience for individuals, communities and cities.

Professor Didier Jourdan

WHO Collaborating Center and UNESCO Chair Global Health & Education

Members and collaborators

From a single study to a global network

Started in 2020 with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have become an open and constantly growing network of active researchers from all over the world.

Learn more


Researchers from over 40 countries


Global surveys in different settings


Publications in peer-reviewed journals