The network
What it is about
Global Research
We are conducting health literacy research on local, national, and international levels, including cross-country studies and comparisons. Our research is interdisciplinary and focuses on different population groups and settings.

Global Community
We are representing a global, open, collaborative, and participatory research network consisting mainly of health literacy researchers from all regions of the world, including experienced as well as early career researchers.
Global Action
Based on our research findings, we translate health literacy evidence and knowledge to inform public health policies and practices across the globe for the benefit of all people and societies.

What we do
Our research
COVID Survivor Study
Resilience after crises
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a significant burden for individuals, societies, and systems. Health and associated factors among people recovered from COVID-19 infection are important to be investigated. We therefor aim to explore the status, associations, and interactions between health literacy (HL), digital healthy diet literacy (DDL), resilience, health-related behaviors, physical and psychological health, and quality of life.

COVID-HL School Principal Survey
Leading Schools in Times of Crises
The COVID-19 pandemic had far reaching concequences for the educational system worldwide and increased challenges and work tasks of school and educational professionals. This survey focsued on school leaders, which have long been neglected in school health research.

COVID-HL University Survey
Digital Health literacy in Times of Infodemic
Given the limited evidence on health literacy of university students, the network conducted a global study between 2020 and 2022 focusing on digital health literacy and information-seeking behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our publications
Findings from the network
The results of our studies are systematically disseminated to stimulate discussion at scientific, policy, and practical levels.
Associations between Polish school principals’ health literacy and implementation of the Health Promoting School approach during the COVID-19 pandemic
School survey
Members and collaborators
From a single study to a global network
Launched in 2020 to conduct COVID-19 related health literacy studies, we have evolved into an open and constantly growing network of active researchers from all over the world.
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Researchers from over 40 countries
Global surveys in different settings
Publications in peer-reviewed journals